
791 Arcibishopland arcibishop Richbold
804 arcibishop Waso
809 arcibishop Amalharius
814 arcibishop Hetti
847 arcibishop Dietgald
863 arcibishop x
869 arcibishop Bertulf
883 arcibishop Ratbod
915 arcibishop x
931 arcibishop Rudbrecht
956 arcibishop Heinrich I of Babenberg
964 arcibishop Dietrich I
977 arcibishop Egbert of Holland
993 arcibishop Ludolf
1008 arcibishop Megingod
1016 arcibishop Poppo Bebenberger
1047 arcibishop Eberhard
1066 arcibishop Kuno I
1066 arcibishop Udo
1079 arcibishop Egilbert
1102 arcibishop Bruno of Laufen
1124 arcibishop Gottfrid
1127 arcibishop Meginher
1131 arcibishop Adalberon von Munsterol
1152 arcibishop Hillin von Fallemanien
1169 arcibishop Arnold I
1183 arcibishop Fulmar
1189 arcibishop Johann I
1212 arcibishop Dietrich von Wied
1242 arcibishop Arnold II von Isenburg
1260 arcibishop Heinrich I von Finstingen
1272 7° Electoral Principality p.e. and arcibishop Heinrich I von Finstingen
1286 p.e. and arcibishop Bohemond I von Warnesberg
1299 p.e. and arcibishop Dieter of Nassau
1307 p.e. and arcibishop Baldwin von Luxemburg
1354 p.e. and arcibishop Bohemond II von Saarbrucken
1362 p.e. and arcibishop Kuno II von Falkenstein
1388 p.e. and arcibishop Werner von Falkenstein
1418 p.e. and arcibishop Otto von Ziegenhain
1430 p.e. and arcibishop Rhaban von Helmstadt
1439 p.e. and arcibishop Jakob von Sierk
1456 p.e. and arcibishop Johann II von Baden
1503 p.e. and arcibishop Jakob II von Baden
1511 p.e. and arcibishop Richard Greiffenklau zu Vollraths
1531 p.e. and arcibishop Johann III von Metzenhausen
1540 p.e. and arcibishop Johann Ludwig von Hagen
1547 p.e. and arcibishop Johann IV von Isenburg
1556 p.e. and arcibishop Johann V von Der Leyen
1567 p.e. and arcibishop Jakob III von Eltz
1581 p.e. and arcibishop Johann VI von Schonenberg
1599 p.e. and arcibishop Lothar von Metternich
1623 p.e. and arcibishop Philipp Christoph von Sotern
1652 p.e. and arcibishop Karl Kaspar von Der Leyen
1676 13 july p.e. and arcibishop Johann VIII Hugo, Freiherr von Orsbeck
1711 6 january p.e. and arcibishop Karl Joseph Ignaz Herzog von Lothringen
1716 20 february p.e. and arcibishop Franz Ludwig Pfalzgraf bei Rhein, Herzog von Neuburg
1729 2 may p.e. and arcibishop Franz Georg Graf von Schönborn-Puckheim
1756 18 february p.e. and arcibishop Johann Philipp Graf von Walderdorf
1768 10 february p.e. and arcibishop Clemens Wenceslaus August Hubert Franz Xaver Herzog von Sachsen
1802 25 april Union to Markgraft of Brandenburg
1918 9 november Union to German State of Pfalz

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