Archbishop of Koln

787 Bishopland Bishop Hildebrand
795 Arcibishopland Arcibishop Hildebrand
819 Arcibishop Hadbold
842 Arcibishop Hildwin
850 Arcibishop Günther
864 arcibishop Ugo Welf
870 Arcibishop Wilbert
890 arcibishop Hermann I dinasty Ezzoni
925 arcibishop Wigfried of Lorena
953 arcibishop Bruno I of Saxe
965 arcibishop Volkmar
969 arcibishop Gero
976 arcibishop Warin
984 arcibishop Ebergar
999 arcibishop Heribert
1021 arcibishop Pilgrim dinasty Ezzoni
1035 arcibishop Hermann II dinasty Ezzoni
1056 arcibishop Anno
1076 arcibishop Hildholf
1079 arcibishop Sigwin
1089 arcibishop Hermann III Hochstaden
1100 arcibishop Friedrich I Andechs
1131 arcibishop Bruno II von Berg
1137 arcibishop Hugo von Sponheim
1138 arcibishop Arnold I
1151 arcibishop Arnold II von Wied
1156 arcibishop Friedrich II von Berg
1158 arcibishop Rainald von Dasseld
1167 arcibishop Philipp von Heinsberg
1191 arcibishop Bruno III von Berg
1193 arcibishop Adolf I von Berg
1216 arcibishop Engelbert I von Berg
1225 arcibishop Heinrich I von Mulnarken
1238 arcibishop Konrad von Hochstaden
1261 arcibishop Engelbert II von Falkenstein
1272 4° Principality Elettorale p.e. and arcibishop Engelbert II von Falkenstein
1274 p.e. and arcibishop Sigfried II von Westerburg
1297 p.e. and arcibishop Wikbold I von Holte
1304 p.e. and arcibishop Heinrich II von Virneburg
1332 p.e. and arcibishop Walram von Julich
1349 p.e. and arcibishop Wilhelm von Gennep
1363 p.e. and arcibishop Adolf II von Der Marck
1364 p.e. and arcibishop Engelbert III von Der Marck
1370 p.e. and arcibishop Kuno von Falkenstein
1371 p.e. and arcibishop Friedrich III von Saarwerden
1414 p.e. and arcibishop Dietrich II von Mors
1463 p.e. and arcibishop Rupprecht p.e. of Pfalz
1480 p.e. and arcibishop Hermann IV of Hesse
1508 p.e. and arcibishop Philipp II von Daun-Oberstein
1515 p.e. and arcibishop Hermann V von Wied
1547 p.e. and arcibishop Adolf III von Schauenburg
1556 p.e. and arcibishop Anton von Schauenburg
1558 p.e. and arcibishop (Johann) Gebhard I von Mansfeld-Vorderort
1562 p.e. and arcibishop Friedrich IV von Wied
1567 p.e. and arcibishop Salentin von Isenburg-Grenzau
1577 p.e. and arcibishop Gebhard II von Waldburg
1583 p.e. and arcibishop Ernst von Bayern
1612 p.e. and arcibishop Ferdinand von Bayern
1650 p.e. and arcibishop Maximilian Heinrich von Bayern
1688 p.e. and arcibishop Joseph Clemens von Bayern
1723 p.e. and arcibishop Clemens August von Bayern
1761 p.e. and arcibishop Maximilian Friedrich von Konigsegg-Rothenfels
1784 p.e. and arcibishop Maximilian Franz von Osterreich
1801 p.e. and arcibishop Anton Viktor von Osterreich
1803 Union to Greatduchy of Frankfurt
1918 9 november Union to German State of Westfalia

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